Saturday, February 2, 2013

The NHL's labor woes, explained

Stu Hackel wrote a piece for Sports Illustrated's website on Gary Bettman's 20 years as NHL commissioner, the gist of which seemed to be that there are some things he has done well and other things he hasn't done so well.

But there was one passage that jumped out at me.

It's in labor relations that Bettman's best and worst qualities come to the fore. He was primarily hired, after all, to bring an NBA-type salary cap to the NHL and to represent the owners in their dealings with the players, the league having lost the cozy relationship it previously enjoyed with the NHLPA during Alan Eagleson's tenure.
That's one way of putting it. Another way is to say that certain owners, such as the guy who is considered by some to have led the owners during the lockout, miss the days when Eagleson repeatedly, and criminally, sold out his players.

Is there any wonder why the owners can't stand a union leader who actually battles with them?

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