Thursday, December 15, 2011

The obligatory Tebow blog

When I first signed on for adventures in blogging, a little tiny part of the Terms of Service fine print said:

You must blog about Tim Tebow.
OK, so maybe not, but it seems like you can't get away from him these days. Just tonight, I saw that Rick Perry tried to compare himself to Tebow in the presidential debate and that some kids got suspended for "Tebowing" in the halls of their school.

My take on him is two-fold. On the field, he has some work to do, but I actually think he could be pretty good. But he's not becoming a polarizing cultural phenomenon just because he's unorthodox and has a habit of comeback wins.

It's because of the religion. Personally, I'm not wild about athletes more or less saying God helped them win. I don't think He cares, but that ship sailed long before Tim Tebow first put Bible verses in his eye black, so it doesn't offend me any more when Tebow does it more than anyone else, and I get the feeling he does walk the talk, certain rumors notwithstanding.

Off the field, my problem is with the people who would basically say that I have to like him because of his religion, which is a tack I don't think I've seen with any other athlete.

And another question has come up in the past few days that has nothing to do with his ability to throw a football or what Olympic skier he may or may not be dating.

What if Tim Tebow was a Muslim?

That would be interesting indeed.

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